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How do I book a CORGI job?

For CORGI callouts and boiler services

Updated over a year ago


For callouts, you will receive a text message from CORGI with a link to the app. Clicking on the link will take you to the details of the callout.

Alternatively, if you open the app directly, callout notifications will appear on your Home screen. Clicking on "Unbooked Callouts" will take you to a list of unbooked callouts. There you can choose to book or decline the callout.

If you click on Book you will be taken to a screen where you can see your calendar. We have added a green line under the date on days you're already working in the area (This is called ECO slot).

First, let's choose a day and slot that suits you and the customer. The day is divided into three slots, the morning (8-12), afternoon (12-4) and evening (4-8). Once you have selected the day, the slot will turn blue as shown below. You can see all the jobs you have booked on that day by clicking on the arrow next to the day (around the middle of the screen as shown on the screenshot) to expand the day. You can also scroll up and down at the bottom of the screen without having to expand the view.

You can call the customer from this page by clicking on the Call button under the customer's name. Once you have confirmed the booking, the job will appear on your 'Booked' jobs.

Please ensure that you have agreed on the time and date with the customer before you confirm the job.

When booking jobs, the calendar will show you when you have set yourself as unavailable by showing a red line under the date. If a slot is selected when unavailable a friendly reminder pops up to make sure you are not booking the job in the wrong slot.

Boiler services

For boiler services, from the Office, you can manually schedule an unbooked job similar to the process for callouts described above.

You can also save time on booking boiler services by using our Autobook feature.

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